Cherilyns School of Dance Presents...
holiday show
Living water church, 260 mill st, poughkeepsie ny 12601
SATURDAY decemeber 14th
12:30 pm & 3:30 PM
tickets must be purchased by december 13th 6:00pm
Buy Tickets Now*NO tickets will be sold at the door*
We are devoted to fostering a friendly, fun, supportive, and family orientated learning environment for students of all ages and abilities. Our students also learn important life skills such as: discipline, respect and teamwork.
Are passionate about sharing their knowledge and love for dance. A primary focus is on cultivating the joy and artistry of dance to any interested student through individualized attention. We believe that every child can learn to dance.
Have been dancing for years, we know that every student is unique and we strive to develop their uniqueness into a proper, well-educated dancer. If this sounds exciting to you, come on in, we’d love to meet you!!